Carrier Help Center


How do I get paid?

You can receive your payments in the following ways:

Direct deposit.
Visit RMIS to register for payment with Flock Freight using your RMIS-assigned carrier ID (not your MC#). During registration, you’ll be prompted to provide your bank information to receive payments via ACH direct deposit.

If you need to make a change to your preferred payment method, follow the instructions on this TriumphPay support page.

Paper check.
If you want to get paid via paper check, submit a ticket on TriumphPay’s support site.

Fill in all necessary fields on the form and include ‘Paper check payments’ as the subject line.

In your TriumphPay profile, you can choose ‘Wire’ as your preferred payment method.

Note: Wire payments have a $18 fee for each transaction, not including any fees that may be deducted by your financial institution.

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