Carrier Help Center

Signing Up

Can I create an account with multiple dispatchers?

Flock Platform users can create a carrier team, which allows multiple dispatchers to find and book loads independently of each other.If you're brand new to Flock Freight and would like to establish a team, just follow these steps:

  1. Sign up to move loads with Flock Freight.
  2. After you've signed up, send your Flock Freight representative or our Carrier Support team ( a list of dispatchers you’d like to add to your carrier team. Please be sure to provide the following information for each additional user:
  3. First and last name
  4. Email address (Note: All users must have a unique email address)
  5. Your dispatchers will receive an email to join the Flock Platform shortly.
  6. From there, your entire team can search for shipments, make offers, and instantly book loads!

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